Brooks Lindsay Realty, LLC
Brooks Lindsay

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What my clients are saying  

Brooks Lindsay helped me find the perfect home on Lake Norman, he was responsive to all my questions and really helped with navigating the real estate world.


~ Chris Baker, Senior VP Daou Vineyards

Brooks was our agent as sellers and as buyers. While selling our home, he strove to negotiate a profitable yet marketable price. He explained what to expect during our selling journey in a detailed, yet user friendly manner. He was responsive to our calls and kept us informed throughout the process. When buying our new home, Brooks conducted himself with integrity. We felt like he was looking out for our best interest and not driven to rush to earn a commission.


~ Traci Butler, Clinical Director, DDR Inc.

Brooks is not only a good friend, but a great Realtor. This was my first time going through the house buying process and he was able to make it feel not so overwhelming. He always worked his schedule around mine, and even went out of the way and Face Timed a property when I was out of town and couldn't make it. He genuinely cares about where you end up and tries to find the perfect home for you. I would highly recommend Brooks to anyone who is in need of a Realtor.


~ Whitney Westberry, OrthoCarolina Training

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